Digital Marketing Strategy Is Based On Content
Any company that wants to increase trust online must have content. Hubspot reports that 47% of buyers will engage with at least three pieces of content before engaging directly with a company. This is what it means for you. This means that content is essential for any digital marketing strategy. A digital marketing strategy that includes content as its core will help your business stand out when it comes to converting leads into customers.
This is true at all stages of the buying process – Awareness, Consideration, and Decision. Value-packed content helps customers better understand your company and makes them more likely to contact you.
These are great ways content marketers can help you build trust and drive leads for your company.
Although blog posts are wonderful, we recommend doing some research before you start writing them. Is there a market for the topic you intend to write about? Does it add value? Is it offering something new or interesting? These are important questions to ask yourself when you blog.
It is important to think about your content from the perspective of your customers. For example, this blog will write about marketing advice for sole traders. We also want to write about managing directors and marketing managers for SMEs who may need help with an internet marketing agency.
Write about how to change a socket if you’re an electrician. Or better yet, make a video and share it on YouTube, Facebook, and your website. You need to provide great value. Trust turns into more business.
Gated Content
Gated content is content that you ask users to do to gain access. You could share the article on social media to get access to a specific item or ask for email addresses to add people to a mailing list to send them newsletters.
It is possible for one thing to work for another company, so test, test, and test again.
You could create a PDF for accountants with insightful tips such as 10 Tips for a Start-up Business. Then ask people for their email addresses. Just make sure to include your business number and brand it to show your trustworthiness.
Engaging Video
Video is a great way to engage people with your company at all stages of the buying process.
Your videos should be memorable, interesting, shareable, and engaging. Consider who you are speaking to, and what their needs might be.
Link Building
Link building, although not content, is essential to ensure your content has the desired effect. It also helps increase leads and traffic. Link building is essentially a form of PR. It involves emailing people and blogs to spread the word about your content. This could include links from other websites, mentions in newsletters, or sharing your content on social media. All of these are important to increase awareness and help you gain more traffic to your site.
Digital marketing strategies should include great content. Make sure that your content is valuable and interesting for your audience.