The way you sleep may impact your recovery after oral surgery
Oral surgery, whether for periodontal disease, tooth extractions, or dental implant implantation, might make you feel uneasy for a few days. Getting enough rest and sleep is critical for good recovery after surgery. However, how you sleep might have a huge influence on how quickly you recover from your medical treatment. The optimum oral surgery group is here to assist you.
The importance of sleep and rest after oral surgery
After oral surgery rest and enough sleep are essential for healthy recovery. Rest offers your body the chance to restore itself correctly. This is why it is suggested that you restrict your activities after a surgical surgery. Excessive movement, bending, lifting, and doing anything difficult that raises your heart rate and blood pressure may all cause bleeding and worsen discomfort and swelling. These difficulties may impede healing, making the process take longer.
When healing is hindered, your chances of infection and other problems rise. With enough rest and sleep, your body is better equipped to restore and recover itself, allowing you to resume your daily life.
How can my sleep affect my recovery?
While sleep is essential for good healing, how you sleep might have an influence on your recovery. If you sleep flat, with your head and shoulders at or below heart level, pressure might build up at your surgical wounds, causing discomfort and swelling.
You may have complications if you sleep on the same side as your surgery incisions. The pressure on your surgical incisions might aggravate your pain. All of these factors may impair your ability to heal, delay your recovery time, and raise your risk of problems.
What should i sleep like?
We suggest that you sleep with your head and shoulders elevated above your heart level after oral surgery. Add a pillow or two to your bed or the area where you will be sleeping. If you have a recliner, this is also a great way to keep your head lifted.
Keeping your head high is crucial for a variety of reasons. One rationale for this posture is that it helps to reduce edema and prevent future bleeding. Because you’re elevated, blood flow in your head is slower, allowing your gums time to heal while avoiding future bleeding. It will also be a lot simpler to sleep.
Another reason why keeping your head high is so crucial is because it counteracts gravity. If you sleep flat, pressure might build up at the surgical incisions, causing excruciating discomfort. By keeping your head high, you may avoid pressure and suffering. It also helps to reduce edoema faster. You may recover fast and effectively by decreasing pain and swelling, and avoiding dangerous repercussions.
Getting enough rest after oral surgery is critical for a good recovery. However, how you sleep is important. If you have any questions or concerns regarding recovery after oral surgery, please contact the Santa Monica center for oral surgery & dental implants right away.